Teleflora Customer Support Section:-
Phone Number: 800-493-5610
Contact Email: [email protected]
Mailing or Letter Support Address: 11444 West Olympic Blvd. 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90064
About Teleflora:

A Spanish firm that offers floral deliveries is called Teleflora. When the “HELIOS” firm, which had a main office in Madrid, was in charge of flower distribution, the brand was started in 1958. The business renamed itself Teleflora in 1966. The firm’s growth and efficiency path began after that. It also goes by the name SERVICE DE TRANSMISSION, S.L.U. and has grown its system to include affiliated florists all throughout Spain.
Additionally, it expanded its connections outside of Spain. Up to 60,000 florists who are linked with the business are connected to it. It is also becoming more widespread throughout the world. Due to its extensive local and global network, Teleflora is a well-known name among florists all over the world. Because the business is aware of how it operates, it makes sure to offer excellent service. Beautiful flowers are being hand-delivered by 18,000 craftspeople. You just have to wait for a delivery after placing an order.
How do you check your Teleflora order status?
Use the easytrackings tracking box to view the Teleflora delivery. In your verification email, a Teleflora tracking code will be provided. Obtain this ID and type it into the tracking field above. Finally, after entering the code, click the track icon and wait. You will have immediate access to the status of your item.
Will Teleflora send you an email for delivery confirmation?
Yes, the business will email you a shipment confirmation to the address you gave them when registering.
How do I receive my Teleflora’s flowers?
A handcrafted bouquet will be delivered to you. Each bloom is new and shows up at your door in the color of your choice.