Vocar Transportation Customer Support
Contact number: (210) 946-3255
Main Office Address: 5855 Bicentennial, San Antonio, TX 78219
About Vocar

In 2004, Vocar Transportation Services, LLC, was established. Through the Port of Laredo, Texas, cross-border shipping was the primary priority. Shortly after, LTL facilities were made available to our clients. Through perseverance, exemplary client care, and strategic acquisitions, Vocar has since emerged as the LTL carrier with the fastest rate of expansion based in Texas.
Their philosophy includes focusing on the customer, treating employees with care, and spending money on management. This will enable Vocar to provide customers with better and more effective service. As a result, the business expanded to become the 15th-largest LTL provider in the US, garnering many professional and client honors and sustaining among the highest levels of client and worker devotion in the business.
Technology is just one element of the puzzle. The most important element is their personnel. The firm’s staff members are well aware of your needs. These individuals go above and beyond to accomplish your goals. On of their service is courier tracking in which you can track and trace your shipment.