Lush Retail Ltd. UK Customer Support Section:-
Phone Number: 01202 668545
Contact Email: [email protected]
Support Timing: Monday to Friday 8:00am-7:30pm, Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm, Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm
About Lush:
Luxury company Lush is well known for its excellent cosmetics and personal care items. Since its founding in 1995, Lush has developed a variety of cutting-edge skincare solutions. The trip began when Mark Constantine and Liz Weir first crossed paths in the 1970s. They were employed at the time by Poole, a cosmetic parlor in England. Mark was a trichologist, while Liz worked as a cosmetologist. They were both engaged in creating organic cosmetics. As a result, they started their own company selling cosmetics in 1995.
After that, they created goods for herbal remedies, body stores, and spas. Nevertheless, the body shops pay greater attention to their product lines. People gradually began to show interest as a result of their better items throughout time. The company now offers a variety of items for the face and body, such as toners, scrubs, and shampoo bars, as well as bath bombs, bathing lotions, moisturizing soap, showering bombs, and shampoo bars. It provides a large range of items that draw buyers from all around the world. Anyone from the comfort of their own home can order their goods and check the status of their Lush order.
How can I track my Lush order?
Utilizing the tracking box found at easytrackings, you can follow the progress of your Lush delivery. You have to input the Lush tracking code that you will get with a confirmation email, so it would be helpful if you could see a tack box above there. When prompted, put this ID in the tracking area and select “track.” You can now track your shopping from Lush without any issues.
How long does it take Lush to deliver an order?
Depending on the delivery method you select, If you choose ground shipment, your item will arrive in 2 to 8 business days. If you select the air freight service, your item will arrive in 2 to 4 working days. Finally, the delivery time for priority shipments is two business days.