Pink Cherry Customer Support :-

Phone number: 1-888-780-PINK (7465)
Office Address:15-505 Iroquois Shore Road, Oakville, ON L6H2R3, Canada
How do I track my Pinkcherry order?
Your package can be tracked and traced using the Easytrackings web portal. You need only enter your tracking number in the space above. Your order's entire history will be displayed. Visit their official website for additional confirmation.
How long does pink cherry take to arrive?
The bulk of their orders are shipped out within 1-3 days of being ordered, depending on availability. After it has been shipped, they estimate that you will receive your goods somewhere between 5-7 business days.
Can you cancel a order pink cherry?
Please screenshot the items if you need more information about the product, and a Pink Cherry expert would be happy to help. Ordered items are not subject to returns or exchanges. The only exception is if the goods have been damaged or have manufacturing flaws.
How much is free shipping on pink cherry?
Shop from the convenience of your home and get fast shipping. Shipping is free when you purchase more than $49 at Pink Cherry. Visit their official website to learn more about the most recent deals.